Actor Parineeti Chopra, in a funny reel, shut down pregnancy rumours. The actor recently wore a kaftan dress to the trailer launch of her latest film, Amar Singh Chamkila. This generated speculation on whether the actor might be pregnant.
Chopra tied the knot with AAP politician Raghav Chadha in September 2023. In the reel, she was seen wearing a white pant-suit. She wrote, “Entering my fitted clothes era.”
The reel then showed a snapshot of her wearing a kaftan dress, with headlines that speculated the actor was pregnant. After the event, she wore black pants with an oversized t-shirt. This added fuel to the pregnancy rumours that were already circulating.
Reacting to the rumours, Chopra took to her Instagram stories, where she wrote, “Kaftan dress=pregnancy, oversized shirt=pregnancy, Comfy Indian Kurta=pregnancy” with a laughing-out-loud emoji. Text on the reel read, "Wearing well-fitted clothes today, because when I tried a kaftan dress…"
One commenter wrote, “Don’t give them so much attention.” Another one wrote, “They are jobless bro.” And another user wrote, “But oversized clothes are soooo comfyyyyyyy!!!!!
Amar Singh Chamkila is based on the real-life story of the 70s singer of the same name. The movie directed by Imtiaz Ali, will release on Netflix on April 12. Chopra was last seen in Mission Raniganj, which also starred Akshay Kumar. She will next be seen in Sanki, which will also star Varun Dhawan.