Director Vidhu Vinod Chopra announced a new film, Zero Se Restart under the Vinod Chopra Films banner. The filmmaker said the behind-the-scenes movie of 12th Fail will be released on July 19. The film will tell the story of how the film took shape right from day one of the shoot. It features behind-the-scenes footage from the sets.
“The film Zero Se Restart narrates the journey of 12th Fail, right from its inception to all the hurdles that came in its way, from no one believing in the film to the team even being advised against a theatrical release. It’s a tale of triumph against all scepticism and odds. This film is not a lecture on how to make movies, but a fun and crazy story of how it all actually happened. After 12th Fail got so much love and support from the people, it only felt right that we share this story with them,” Chopra said.
12th Fail starred Vikrant Massey, Medha Shankr, Anant Joshi, Anshumaan Pushkar and Priyanshu Chatterjee. The filmmakers shared a poster on Instagram and wrote, “Witness the incredible behind-the-scenes story of how this blockbuster defied all odds. A captivating tale of resilience and triumph, embodying the spirit of Vinod Chopra Films’ motto of the 3 E’s: Entertain, Educate, and Elevate,”
12th Fail was released in theatres on October 27 last year and raked in Rs 66.55 crore at the box office.