The tragic demise of Matthew Perry, popular for his role as Chandler Bing in the hugely popular sitcom, Friends, had shocked fans across the world. The actor was found face down in his hot tub on October 28, and the autopsy found a large amount of ketamine in his blood.
Ketamine is a dissociative anesthetic widely used in short surgical procedures.
Five people, including the live-in personal assistant of Matthew Perry, and two doctors have been charged in connection with his death. The prosecutors highlighted the existence of a broad underground criminal network that ensured that the actor was getting the powerful surgical anesthetic that ultimately killed him.
“At the high levels of ketamine found in his postmortem blood specimens, the main lethal effects would be from both cardiovascular overstimulation and respiratory depression,” the autopsy report of the actor had said.
READ MORE: ‘Friends’ star Matthew Perry’s assistant, 2 doctors held for his death
Announcing charges, US Attorney Martin Estrada pointed out that the doctors provided him with copious amounts of the drug despite knowing about his addiction. "They knew what they were doing was risking great danger to Mr Perry. But they did it anyway," Estrada said.
“This network included a live-in assistant, various go-betweens, two medical doctors and a major source of drug supply known as ‘the Ketamine Queen’.”
“They knew what they were doing was wrong. They knew what they were doing was risking great danger to Mr Perry, but they did it anyways," Estrada said.
According to an indictment unsealed Thursday, one doctor said, "One doctor even wrote in a text message, I wonder how much this moron will pay and Lets find out."
Matthew Perry had been getting regular ketamine infusion treatments for depression. However, the amount that he was receiving from his regular doctors was not enough to kill him. They are also not among those who have been charged for his murder.
“These defendants cared more about profiting off of Mr Perry than caring for his well-being,” Estrada said.
Who is the 'Ketamine Queen'
Jasveen Sangha aka “the Ketamine Queen” is a drug trafficker accused of selling 50 vials of ketamine to the actor for $11,000. According to the prosecutors, she knew that the drug she distributed could be deadly.
According to the indictment, Jasveen Sangha only dealt with "high end (clients) and celebs."
She pleaded not guilty and was denied bond. Sangha had first been arrested in the case, charged with possession of ketamine with intent to distribute, and released on bond in March. However, the authorities had then kept quiet about Perry's involvement in the case.
She ran her drug empire from her North Hollywood home, with the moniker called 'Sangha Stash House.'