
Pay disparity, online harassment, torture... Hema Committee highlights 17 key issues faced by women in Malayalam cinema

Committee finds there is absence of legally constituted body to redress grievances

The Hema committee report that was released today contains shocking details about the harassment and discrimination faced by women in cinema. Here are the 17 major issues faced by women in cinema listed by the Hema committee. 

1. Sexual demands made to women for the very entry into cinema and for getting chances to work cinema.

2. Sexual harassment, abuse, assault against women at workplace, transportation, places of accommodation etc.

3. Torture of women, if they express their resentment and unwillingness to sexual demands.

4. Violation of human rights of women in cinema by not providing basic facilities like toilets and changing rooms on the set of cinema. 

5. Lack of safety and security in cinema -- in accommodation, transportation etc. 

6. Unauthorised and illegal banning of individuals working in cinema in different categories.

7. SIlencing of women under threat of ban from work in cinema.

8. Male domination in industry, gender bias and gender discrimination.

9. Gross indiscipline in cinema—consumption of alcohol, use of drugs, disorderly conduct/ misbehaviour at the workplace.

10. Making demeaning and vulgar comments at the workplace, over phone etc.

11. Non-execution of contract in writing between employers and employees, to suit individual requirements.

12. Failure to pay even consented remuneration.

13. Disparity of remuneration between men and women and gender discrimination in remuneration. 

14. Resistance/reluctance to allow women into cinema’s technical side and lack of opportunity.

15. Online harassment (cyber attacks).

16. Lack of legal awareness of women about their own rights. 

17. Absence of any legally constituted authority to redress the grievances.

READ MORE: Justice Hema Committee report released. What does the controversial report say?