Tamil Twitter and other social media platforms was full of the popular chant “Kadavuley Ajithey! Ajithey Kadavuley!” (God is Ajith. Ajith is God) on Saturday, thanks to the makers of his next film Vidaamuyarchi. The teaser of Ajith Kumar’s most anticipated film released online on November 28.
The teaser is truly a treat for the Thala fans who have been rejoicing after watching their hero with the car racing gear with his racing drivers and the new Porsche car. After weeks of not getting any updates on Vidaamuyarchi, the makers of the film have enthralled the fans with the neatly cut teaser. A road thriller, inspired from the 1997 English film Breakdown, Vidaamuyarchi is expected to be filled with car chasing and guns blazing.
The one-minute and 48 seconds teaser that runs without any dialogues is a complete visual treat with Anirudh Ravichander’s music in the background. The teaser promises an action-packed intense thrilling drama. Shot in Azerbaijaan, the teaser shows Ajith Kumar driving through the long stretches in the exotic location. A very intensely made promo, the teaser gives a glimpse of the characters in the film—right from Ajith Kumar, Trisha, Regina Cassandra and Arjun Sarja.
Adrenaline crushing chase sequences and gun shots in the teaser give a glimpse of the story line, hinting that it could be an action-packed crime thriller, like Ajith’s Billa or Kamal Haasan’s Vettaiyaadu Vilaiyaadu. The background score, the silhouette images and a few black and white shots indicate the intriguing tone of the screenplay and the storyline. With a black shirt, brown jacket and stylish sunglasses, Ajith looks elegant and stylish. One of the lines showed on the teaser—when everyone and everything abandons you, trust yourself being widely celebrated online by Ajith’s fans as a motivational slogan. The teaser ends with the caption saying, “Relentless effort meets unstoppable action! Perseverance paves the way to triumph!”.
Bankrolled by Lyca Productions, the film is directed by Magizh Thirumeni with Ajith Kumar, Trisha, Arjun Sarja in the lead roles along with stars like Regina Cassandra, Aarav, Nikhil Nair, Dasarathi and Ganesh in supporting roles.