Allu Arjun is drowning in the success of Pushpa 2: The Rule, which has amassed over Rs 800 crore worldwide, since four days of release on December 5. Now, a video has resurfaced of an event conducted last week for Pushpa, in which leading man Arjun was asked which Bollywood celebrity inspires him the most — his answer – Amitabh Bachchan.
“I absolutely adore the megastar of our country, Amitabh ji, because we've grown up watching his films. He had a lot of impact on us in the growing years. So if I have to pick anyone, I would say I'm an ardent fan of Amitabh ji,” the actor said.
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Arjun added, “Even when I get old, I should still be acting as gracefully as Amitabh ji.”
On Monday morning, Bachchan took to X (formerly Twitter), to thank him for the kind words, and return the praise to Arjun. Replying to the video he said he was “humbled” by the gracious words, and it was more than he deserved. He further said, “We are all such huge fans of your work...may you continue to inspire us all.” He ended the tweet by imparting blessings to the Vedam actor.
Arjun was in awe by the reaction given by Big B and responded by stating, “listening to words like this from you is surreal,” and continued to thank him for his “generous compliments” and “wishes”.
Amitabh ji 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 … you are our super hero … and listening to words like this from you is surreal . Thank you for your kind words , generous compliments and heart full wishes … Humbled by your humility 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
— Allu Arjun (@alluarjun) December 9, 2024
The Sholay actor last made his big screen appearance in south Indian language films Vettaiyan and Kalki 2898 AD. Other than making cameos and special appearances in films, the 82-year-old has not been in a Hindi feature since last appearing in Uunchai back in 2022.