On Friday, Telugu actor Allu Arjun was arrested from his Jubilee Hills residence in connection with the Pushpa 2 stampede that claimed a woman's life. The incident happened on December 4 during a special screening of the film in Hyderabad.
ALSO READ | Allu Arjun breaks silence after release from jail in ‘Pushpa 2’ stampede case
The actor was granted bail on Friday but was only released on Saturday morning following a delayed bail order. Speaking to the press, Arjun reassured fans that he is okay, and will fully cooperate with the authorities.
On his return home, the Vedam actor was welcomed back by his wife, Sneha Reddy, and their two children, Ayaan (10) and Arha (8). Arjun’s father-in-law, Politician Kancharla Chandrasekhar Reddy, later joined them at the residence. Pushpa director Sukumar was one of the first to visit Arjun at his home following the release.
Now, actor Vijay Deverakonda and his brother Anand were spotted at Arjun’s residence, exchanging hugs and chatting. The brothers were also joined by producers Naveen Yerneni and Ravi Shankar.
Deverakonda has been the talk of the town ever since he was rumoured to play the villain in Pushpa 3, reportedly titled Pushpa 3: The Rampage. In 2020, the actor hinted at his appearance in the third instalment of the film on X (formerly Twitter).
While Pushpa 2 continues to dominate the box office, Arjun revealed that Pushpa 3 is officially in the works, during a success meet in Delhi. Though details of the plot have not been revealed, the film is rumoured to release in 2026.