Police have revealed that in a bizarre incident, three minor girls from Maharashtra allegedly staged their own kidnapping out of a desperate urge to make some money in order to make a trip to South Korea to meet members of their favourite band BTS.
An official from Omerga police station said the girls, one aged 11 and two 13, hail from Dharashiv district.
It all began when the local police received a call on December 27 from a person claiming the three girls kidnapped in a school van from Omerga taluka in the district, he said. Upon investigation, the police discovered that the number belonged to a woman travelling from Omerga to Pune in a bus passing through the Mohol area in the state's Solapur district, the police official said.
The Omerga police then contacted the officials in Mohol and a woman running a shop at the Mohol bus stand. Then, the woman took the girls from the bus and brought them to a local police station.
The woman then brought the three girls to a local police station, after which the Omerga police team reached there with the minor's parents.
Upon questioning the next day, the girls told the police about their plan to go to Pune to work and earn money that would fund their trip to South Korea to meet the BTS band members.