Actor Saif Ali Khan was injured after an intruder allegedly barged into the home he shares with his wife and actor Kareena Kapoor and their two children. The incident happened on Monday around 2: 30 am at the Satguru Sharan building where he resides.
Unconfirmed reports suggest three people have been detained in connection with the incident.
According to Bandra Police, an intruder sneaked into Saif Ali Khan's house while he was sleeping with his family. A scuffle broke out between Saif and the intruder following which the latter stabbed Saif with a sharp weapon and fled the crime scene.
There are also reports that the unknown person was arguing with his maid following which Saif had to intervene. The actor reportedly tried to pacify the man who began attacking the actor.
He was immediately rushed to the Lilavati Hospital. He suffered six stab wounds, out of which two are deep. One is said to be near his spine. His injuries are not severe.
Police have started an investigation into the matter.
Meanwhile, Saif has issued a statement confirming the burglary attempt at his house.