A viral video clip which surfaced on the occasion of the release of actor Balakrishna’s, ‘Daaku Maharaaj’ showed a group of people outside a theatre surrounding a garlanded goat. A man with a machete then aims for the neck and forces down the sharp object severing the body of the goat, splattering the blood. The fans then let out a cry of joy immediately after the animal sacrifice hoping that it would bring good luck and success to their matinee idol, Balakrishna.
Animal sacrifices such as the one that took place in Tirupati town are not new to Tollywood. In the past, similar incidents were recorded during big-ticket films involving star heroes.
Also read | 'Daaku Maharaaj' review: Balakrishna gallops to glory with this mass entertainer
In 2023, Balakrishna’s fans resorted to the same act in the same Tirupati town to celebrate the release of his movie, ‘Veera Simha Reddy’. Last year, fans of NTR Jr chopped off the head of a goat and its blood was poured over the poster of the movie, ‘Devara’.
In 2022, now Andhra Pradesh Deputy CM and actor Pawan Kalyan’s movie, ‘Bhimla Nayak’ also witnessed a similar slaughter executed by his fans. In 2016, in the neighbouring state of Tamil Nadu, there was an outrage following a goat sacrifice for actor Rajinikanth by his fans for the movie ‘Kabali’.
After the recent incident came to the notice of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), its members lodged a complaint with the Tirupati police and pursued the case.
"Killing an animal and smearing their blood on a poster doesn't make you a super fan- it makes you a villain and a criminal. True fans celebrate their favourite stars with movie tickets and supportive social media posts, not with acts of violence or cruelty," said PETA India Cruelty Response Coordinator, Saloni Sakaria.
An FIR has been registered against five identified persons under various sections of Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita, 2023, Andhra Pradesh Animals and Birds Sacrifices (Prohibition) Act, 1950 and Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960.
The PETA in its statement commended Tirupati police for registering a case and sending out a strong message that animal cruelty would not be tolerated. In its complaint, PETA India pointed out that Section 4 of the Andhra Pradesh Animals and Birds Sacrifices (Prohibition) Act, 1950 prohibits any person from officiating, performing, serving, assisting, or participating in sacrificing an animal in any congregation.
Superintendent of Police, Tirupati, L. Subbarayudu told THE WEEK that action would be taken soon on the identified men who were involved in the animal sacrifice.