Actress Kareena Kapoor revealed to police about how her husband Saif Ali Khan saved her son Jeh aka Jehangir from the intruder who entered their house in Bandra, Mumbai.
The actress said the attacker was first seen in the younger son, Jeh's room by the house help. Talking to police, Kareena said the woman raised alarm and Saif jumped in to stop the intruder from attacking the women and prevent him from getting hold of Jeh.
Kareena revealed that the attacker got aggressive when confronted but did not take the jewellery that was kept in the open. This was revealed in a statement she gave the police.
Following this, Kareena, their children and the house help were moved to the 12th floor. The family stays on the 11th and 12th floors of the duplex apartment in Satguru Sharan building.
Saif was stabbed multiple times by the attacker, including his neck and spine. He was admitted to Lilavati Hospital, following which a surgery was done.
Police were yet to record Saif's statement.
It was Saif's son Taimur and the house help who took an autorickshaw to take the injured actor to the hospital. Later, Kareena's sister Karishma Kapoor took the actress to her home in Khar.
Doctors said Saif, who has been recovering following the surgery, has been shifted out of the ICU. He has been advised bed rest and will be discharged in two or three days.
Maharashtra minister Ashish Shelar said the police are trying to locate the suspect. Around 30 teams are hunting for the attacker.