Two days after it was revealed that Gujarat MLA Jignesh Mevani had allegedly received death threats from fugitive gangster Ravi Pujari, JNU student leader Umar Khalid filed a complaint with Delhi Police that he had received threats from Pujari.
On Friday, Khalid approached the police with a complaint over the threats and a case was registered, a police official said, adding that they are investigating the matter.
Khalid tweeted he has asked for police protection.
"Filed a complaint with @DelhiPolice regarding Ravi Pujari's death threat to Jignesh and me. He said that I am on his HIT LIST! I have asked for police protection, given the fact that this is the same person who had previously also issued similar threats of killing me in Feb 2016 (sic)," he said.
In 2016, Khalid's father, Syed Qasim Illyas Rasool, had filed a police complaint, claiming he received a phone call "threatening to kill" his son if he doesn't leave the country.
Filed a complaint with @DelhiPolice regarding Ravi Pujari's death threat to Jignesh and me. He said that I am on his HIT LIST! I have asked for police protection, given the fact that this is the same person who had previously also issued similar threats of killing me in Feb 2016.
— Umar Khalid (@UmarKhalidJNU) June 8, 2018
The previous incident happened when the police was looking for Khalid in connection with the sedition case filed against him, former JNU students' union president Kanhaiya Kumar and Anirban Bhattacharya for allegedly organising an event against the hanging of 2001 Parliament attack convict Afzal Guru.
Guru was hanged in 2013.