Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday dared the Congress to make someone outside the Nehru-Gandhi family the party president for at least five years. "You can't understand the difficulties faced by the poor, but a chaiwalla can," Modi said in a veiled attack on the Congress and the Nehru-Gandhis.
Modi was campaigning in Ambikapur at Surguja district in poll-bound Chhattisgarh.
Modi said if the Congress made someone who was not from the Nehru-Gandhi family as party president for at least five years, then “he will believe that Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru really created a truly democratic system” there.
Addressing a campaign rally for the second phase of Chhattisgarh assembly elections scheduled on November 20, Modi said, "I want to challenge them. Let some good leader of Congress outside of the family become the party president for five years, then I will say that Nehruji really created a truly democratic system there."
“Four generations of Congress ruled the nation and they should give an account of what they have done for the country,” Modi said.
"People have disproved that it was the "right of only one family" to speak from the ramparts of the Red Fort in Delhi," Modi said.
"They [Congress] have kept the country in the dark with their lies, which are ingrained in their minds," Modi said, not mincing words to target the principal opposition party and its top leaders.
On the impressive turnout in the first phase of polling held on November 10, Modi said, "People of Bastar in Chhattisgarh gave a strong response to Naxals by registering record voting percentage in the first phase."