In an apparent jibe at the Narendra Modi government, the RSS said the Ram temple will be built only in 2025. "When construction of Ram temple begins in the country in 2025, the nation would start developing rapidly. The growth rate in the country will increase at the same pace as it did after the construction of Somnath Temple in 1952. After the construction of Ram temple, the country will get capital for the next 150 years," said RSS general secretary Bhaiyaji Joshi.
Ruling out the possibility of taking the ordinance route for the construction of the Ram temple, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had recently clarified that “We have said in our BJP manifesto that a solution would be found to this (Ayodhya) issue under the Constitution.” The RSS has been quite disappointed with the Union government's perceived lack of will in fast-tracking the construction of the Ram temple. RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat has even urged the government to bring an ordinance for building the temple.
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Bhaiyaji Joshi's statement on building the temple in 2025 exposes the RSS belief that Modi is unlikely to take necessary steps towards the construction of the Ram temple even if the BJP is re-elected after the 2019 Lok Sabha polls.
The Ram Janmabhoomi-Babri Masjid dispute case has been pending before the Supreme Court for the past eight years. The next date of hearing of the Ram Janmabhoomi-Babri Masjid case in the Supreme Court has been fixed for January 29.