Controversial self-proclaimed godman Swami Om ON Sunday said he will contest the Lok Sabha elections from the New Delhi constituency. In a statement, he said several Hindu organisations held a meeting and finalised his name.
A former Bigg Boss contestant, Swami Om, in a statement said he will fight against the "anti-Hindu" stance of Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, who had put out a tweet depicting his party symbol, a broom, chasing a "Hindu swastika".
A Delhi BJP delegation led by party leader Vijender Gupta had even met the chief electoral officer and sought action against Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal over his alleged "misuse of Twitter" and violation of the model code of conduct (MCC).
In its complaint to the CEO, the BJP alleged that Kejriwal, through social media platforms, was trying to incite religious frenzy and communal tensions.
Gupta had said the swastika tweet was a violation of the MCC and aimed at disrupting communal harmony. Following the outrage, the ruling party clarified that the picture showed the Nazi symbol and not a 'swastika'.