In a surprise move, the BJP late on Monday night declared that 28-year-old Tejasvi Surya would be the party's candidate from the high-profile Bangalore South constituency. Bangalore South was held by former Union minister Ananth Kumar, till his death last year. Ananth Kumar was a five-time MP from Bangalore South constituency.
It was widely expected that Ananth Kumar's wife Tejaswini Ananth Kumar would be the BJP's choice from the constituency this time. However, in a late night announcement, the young Tejasvi Surya was chosen over 53-year-old Tejaswini Ananth Kumar to represent the constituency.
Who is Tejasvi Surya?
Tejasvi Surya comes from a family of BJP leaders and is a practicing lawyer at the Karnataka High Court. He is the nephew of Ravi Subramanya, a BJP MLA from Basawanagudi segment in Bengaluru. Tejasvi is said to be the BJP's youngest candidate. Tejasvi Surya will face Congress's B.K. Hariprasad when Bangalore South goes to polls on April 18.
Tejasvi has also been associated with BJP's IT cell in Karnataka. He has often been in news for his anti-Muslim comments.
According to media reports, it is his fiery oratorory skills and RSS affiliation that won him the candidature. He had also founded a social organisation named "Arise India" in his younger days, reports NDTV.
Reportedly, a section of the BJP was not happy with Tejasvi's ticket to the Lok Sabha. On Tuesday, Tejaswini Ananth Kumar termed the decision as shocking, reported ANI. "It's shocking. I stand with the party's decision. Let us not start asking questions. If we have to contribute to the country then we have to work for Modiji," she was quoted as saying.
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At the same time, Tejasvi Surya thanked the late Union minister and his wife for mentoring him in politics. "Ananthkumar Ji & @Tej_AnanthKumar ma'am have groomed me from my high school days. I had pestered Tejaswini maam to send me on Jan Chetna Yatra along with AK Ji. She somehow convinced Sir to take me along. I saw my first Bharat Darshan. You both have made me the man I am today."
Earlier, on Monday night Tejasvi Surya could not contain his excitement and surprise over his candidature. "OMG OMG!!! I can't believe this. PM of world's largest democracy & President of largest political party have reposed faith in a 28 yr old guy to represent them in a constituency as prestigious as B'lore South. This can happen only in my BJP. Only in #NewIndia of @narendramodi".