Saritha S. Nair, the prime accused in Kerala's solar scam case, is all set to contest against Congress president Rahul Gandhi in Wayanad in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections. Saritha is also contesting against Hibi Eden of the Congress in Ernakulam. Kerala goes to polls on April 23.
According to reports, Saritha has decided to contest to send out a message against the Congress's inaction on her sexual harassment complaint against the party leaders. Saritha had accused several high-profile leaders of molestation and rape. Eden is one of the leaders accused of molestation by Saritha in the solar scam case. Saritha said she had mailed Rahul Gandhi over the past year seeking actions against the party leaders, but to no avail.
Reportedly, Saritha has published a classified advertisement in some Kerala newspapers regarding her candidature. She has 28 criminal cases registered against her at various places in Kerala.
The infamous solar scam eventually led to the UDF government under then Kerala chief minister Oommen Chandy being voted out of power during the 2016 assembly elections.