The Delhi Police, on Saturday, filed a case against BJP candidate Gautam Gambhir for holding a poll rally without seeking permission. The FIR was registered after the East Delhi returning officer asked the police to do so in the wake of the cricketer-turned-politician holding a public meeting in Jangpura without permission.
Returning officer K. Mahesh asked the Delhi Police to take note of the matter. He pointed out that the election rally was held in Jangpura without permission.
Gambhir, who is making his political debut, is the saffron party's nominee from East Delhi Lok Sabha seat and is pitted against AAP' Atishi and senior Congress leader Arvinder Singh Lovely.
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Reacting to the development, AAP candidate Atishi asked Gambhir, "When you don't know the rules, why play the game?" In a tweet, the AAP candidate said after double entries in voters list, now the BJP candidate faces FIR for holding "illegal rally".
"First, Discrepancies in nomination papers. Then, Criminal offence of having 2 voter IDs. Now, FIR for illegal rally (sic)," she said on Twitter.
(With PTI inputs)