BJP MLA Rajesh Mishra's daughter Sakshi and her husband Ajitesh Kumar, who allegedly feared for their lives for marrying outside their castes, were attacked inside the High Court complex on Monday by some lawyers, minutes after they were ordered to be given protection by the court.
The couple, who were stepping out of the courtroom after the hearing and were pushed around, were rescued by other lawyers, the Cantonment police station SHO A.K. Gautam told PTI Bhasha.
He said the couple was not willing to lodge any complaint on the incident and that media reports of their being attacked was baseless.
Justice Siddharth Verma granted protection to Sakshi and Ajitesh who had asked for security contending that there is a threat to their life from Mishra who is unhappy with the marriage as Sakshi is a Brahmin and Ajitesh a Dalit by caste.
According to a lawyer, the court order would come into force only after the requisite signature was procured.
The couple had prayed that neither police nor Mishra should disturb them in their peaceful living as they were adults and had got married on their free will.
Meanwhile, another couple was allegedly abducted from outside the court premises, leading to a high drama in the area with people thinking that it was Sakshi and Ajitesh.
Later, Senior Superintendent of Police of Allahabad, Atul Sharma said the couple has been rescued from Fatehpur district and are being questioned.
A senior police official S.N. Sawant told reporters that the information on abduction of the couple was received through a TV channel and by scanning the CCTV around they got the details of the vehicle used in the act. The SUV vehicle was located and the couple rescued, he said.