Stalemate is set to continue in Karnataka assembly as the Supreme Court on Tuesday adjourned the petition submitted by two Independent MLAs seeking direction for floor test to Wednesday. The bench, led by CJI Ranjan Gogoi, adjourned the hearing to Wednesday saying the speaker of the assembly was optimistic that the trust vote will be held during the course of the day on Tuesday.
The SC began hearing a plea by the rebel MLAs to stay the floor test in the house on the ground that the speaker was delaying to hold it. On Tuesday, the ruling Congress-JDS coalition, especially the members of the Congress, had contended in the assembly that they should await the Supreme Court ruling.
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As a result, late on Monday night, the Karnataka assembly was adjourned till Tuesday without voting on the confidence motion moved by Chief Minister H D Kumaraswamy even after three days of debate. As the House debated the motion with frequent scenes of pandemonium, Congress made its intentions clear right from the beginning that voting be deferred as the apex Court was seized of pleas by two Independent MLAs on the issue of trust vote.
Twenty MLAs, including 17 from the ruling coalition, skipped the proceedings on Monday, besides two Independents and BSP member N. Mahesh, who is supporting the government.