The State Bank of India (SBI) has announced the SBI Clerk Prelims exam result on their official website. Candidates who have appeared for the SBI Clerk Prelims exam 2019 can check the results on
The SBI Clerk Preliminary exam was conducted online on June 22, 23, and 30.
The SBI Clerk recruitment process has three rounds―preliminary exam, main exam and the interview round. Candidates who qualify for the SBI Clerk Prelims exam will be eligible for the Mains.
How to download SBI Clerk Result 2019:
1. Go to the official website of SBI―
2. Go to the ‘careers’ tab and select ‘Current Openings’ from under the ‘Join SBI’ option.
3. Click on the ‘Recruitment of Junior Associates (Customer Support & Sales)’ link.
4. Click on the ‘Preliminary Exam Results (NEW)’ link.
5. Enter your roll number/registration number, date of birth and captcha code and click on ‘submit’
6. Download the SBI Clerk Prelims results 2019 and take a printout for reference.
Alternately, candidates can check their SBI Clerk Prelims exam results with this direct link.
SBI Clerk Main examination 2019
The SBI Clerk main examination will be held on August 10, 2019. The Mains will also be a computer-based objective-type test.
The SBI Clerk examination is being conducted to fill 8,904 clerk posts in the State Bank of India. The admit cards for the SBI Clerk Mains will be released by the end of July.
The main examination will be 2 hours and 40 minutes long. The exam will have 190 questions with four sections—General/Financial Awareness, General English, Quantitative Aptitude, and Reasoning Ability and Computer Knowledge.
There will be 40 questions in the General English section and 50 questions each in the rest of the three sections. Each question will carry one mark and for each wrong answer, a quarter of a mark will be deducted.
General Financial/Awareness, and General English sections will be of 35 minutes' duration each and Quantitative Aptitude, and Reasoning Ability and Computer Knowledge section will each be of 45 minutes' duration.
Important SBI notification
The SBI has warned candidates to be wary of fraudsters who host fake SBI websites.
The bank has further clarified that it never publishes names of shortlisted/selected candidates on the website. Only roll numbers/registration numbers are published and shortlisted/selected candidates are informed individually through SMS/Email/Post.