The Week

RRB Railway JE CBT 1 Result 2019: Cut-offs and dates for CBT 2

The Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) has announced the results of the computer-based

rrb Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) logo

The Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) has announced the results of the computer-based test (CBT) 1 for the post of Junior Engineer (JE). CBT 1 is a precursor to CBT 2. The candidates who clear CBT 1 will appear for the second test, which will be followed by a Physical Endurance Exam (PEE).

The CBT 1 was conducted in two sessions: from May 22 to June 2 and June 26 to June 28. The examination dates for RRB JE CBT 2 have also been released. According to information provided by the government, the dates will extend from August 28 to 21.

How to check your results:

Step 1: Log on to the RRB portal:


Step 2: Enter your registration number and date of birth

Step 3: Check the results and cut-offs of Kolkata, Bengaluru and Thiruvananthapuram

A total of 13,500 posts will be filled with this exam.