Kochi, which is home to the oldest Synagogue in the country—the Paradesi Synagogue—prides itself in being one of the oldest Jewish settlements in India.
Sarah Cohen, the oldest member of the small Jew community settled mostly in Fort Kochi, passed away on Friday. She was 96.
She passed away at 1 pm on Friday, said Jasmine, one of Cohen's caretakers.
Cohen has been the subject of many news features for being the oldest member of the Jew community in Kochi. She ran a small embroidery shop next to the Paradesi Synagogue at the Jew Town street.
“She had fallen while standing up a couple of weeks ago and had to be admitted to the hospital. She had suffered a tiny fracture. But barring that, she was fine and had no major health issues,” said Jasmine, who has been taking care of the nonagenarian for the last 11 years.
Cohen's husband, Jacob, passed away 21 years ago. The couple, who did not have any children, have relatives settled in Australia and Israel.
Her funeral will be held on Sunday afternoon. The body is kept in a morgue at a hospital in Palluruthy.
'Sarah aunty' to all, she would always be up for a chat with tourists about her culture and tradition.