A special court in Delhi on Thursday extended the period in judicial custody for former Union minister P. Chidambaram in the INX Media corruption case. Chidambaram had been arrested at his Jor Bagh residence on August 21.
Chidambaram, who has been in Tihar Jail, was produced before special court judge Ajay Kumar Kuhar on the expiry of his period in judicial custody on Thursday.
The CBI sought extension of judicial custody for Chidambaram in connection with the INX Media case. Chidambaram requested the court he be allowed home-cooked food, citing health ailments.
Ominous tweets
Earlier on Thursday, Chidambaram tweeted on the occasion of Gandhi Jayanti, with his family posting the messages. Chidambaram expressed concern that “casteism and bigotry” seemed to have taken over and claimed “equality is a distant dream”.
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He wrote, “As we begin the year long celebration of Mahatma Gandhi's 150th birth anniversary, we have to ask the question Whither Liberty, Equality and Fraternity?... Fraternity is all but dead. Casteism and bigotry seem to have taken over. Equality is a distant dream. All the evidence point to growing inequality among Indians. Liberty is the only flame flickering weakly. Will it burn brightly or die, only time can tell.”