The Uttar Pradesh government has decided to launch an NIA and SIT inquiry into the murder of Kamlesh Tewari, the president of a little-known Hindu Samaj Party, who is suspected to have been killed by radical elements on Friday. Accepting the demands by Tewari's family, the government has decided to provide protection to the family within 48 hours and also facilitate a meeting with Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath.
"The demands of relatives have been take into consideration. They'll be provided security. Their meeting with the CM is being fixed. We're recommending a government residence for them," Lucknow divisional commissioner Mukesh Meshram told mediapersons after meeting Kamlesh Tewari's family in Sitapur. He added that the family will also be given a licensed weapon for safety purposes. "A licensed weapon will be provided to the eldest son for self defence. He will also be recommended for a job. They will be provided appropriate financial help," he said.
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The family made nine demands, including monetary compensation and accomodation, from the UP government. Following the government assurance, the family has decided to cremate Tiwar's body for which preparations are underway.
Police have taken into custody Mohammed Mufti Naeem Kazmi and Imam Maulana Anwarul Haq, who were named in the FIR in Uttar Pradesh. In addition, six others have been detained in Surat, including Mohsin Sheikh, Faizan Pathan and Shamim Pathan. "So far there is no terror angle associated with this incident," UP Director General of Police O.P. Singh said earlier on Saturday.
(With inputs from Puja Awasthi)