
The black baggage at Delhi airport: Threat averted, mystery continues

The special cell of the Delhi police has been roped in to further probe the matter

Guide, the CISF sniffer dog | ANI via Twitter

Oblivious to the terror threats that were generated in the wake of bifurcation of Jammu and Kashmir into twin union territories of Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh on October 31, an experienced expert of the CISF dog squad, named Guide, was going about his job in the wee hours of Friday at IGI airport in the national capital. The security forces, including the CISF which is in-charge of airport security, were aware of possible attempts by Pakistan-sponsored terror groups and Valley-based militants to unleash violence.

Around 1am, when the CISF was informed that there was a black-coloured unattended bag lying behind the last pillar in the forecourt area of Terminal 3 arrival area, the patrol party reached there and cordoned off the spot. The CISF first used the explosive vapour detector (EVD) to determine the presence of explosives, which gave a positive signal. But the final decision had to come from Guide who was on duty along with the Bomb Detection and Disposal Squad.

“The EVD is used to detect the presence of explosives on the spot, but it does not give a foolproof result. The dog squad is better and we usually depend on it for a final decision,'' said a senior officer.

It is after Guide examined the baggage and sat there for a minute, unmoved, the security personal became certain about the presence of possible explosive material in the baggage. The bag was then placed in the threat containment vessel (TCV) where it will remain under observation for 24 hours before it would be sent for forensic examination. Sources said passenger movement at T3 was halted for half an hour even as there was panic about a possible terror threat and security was tightened.

After a complete search of the arrival area and inside and outside premises of the airport, the activities resumed at the airport.

Speaking to THE WEEK, CISF Special Director General (airports sector) M.A. Ganapathy said while the preliminary probe showed presence of explosive material, there has been no confirmation about RDX or any other explosives in the bag and investigations are still going on.

Sources said sometimes the presence of spices or other such substances generate a false report when tested by the bomb squad or the EVD, but all positive detections by the dog squad are taken seriously, which is why the baggage has been sent to the TCV.

Officials privy to the investigations said once the suspected baggage is identified, it is not opened, and instead sent to TCV, where it can explode without causing damage even if it is loaded with several Kilograms of RDX. So far, the baggage has not exploded in the TCV, which has raised doubts about the presence of explosive substance in the bag. However, the 24 cycle will be completed by Saturday following which it will be sent for forensic analysis. Once the final report comes, the CISF will be able to confirm what was there in the unclaimed bag.

Meanwhile, after the initial probe led by Guide indicated the presence of explosives, the special cell of the Delhi police has been roped in to further probe the matter. All CCTV cameras in the area are being examined and footage being studied for suspicious movements. The forecourt of the Terminal 3 does not have many CCTVs, even as the area where the bag was found was behind a pillar where the imagery may not be too clear. If the final forensic report awaited by CISF comes positive, an FIR under the Explosives Act and Unlawful Activities Prevention Act will be registered by the Delhi police, which will investigate the case.

Meanwhile, Guide has gone back to work even as security forces remain alert to thwart any untoward incidents. The CISF is not only in-charge of airport security but also guards all vital installations in the country. The law and order concerns arising out of the bifurcation of J&K is the latest security threat the security forces are prepared for.

Sources said there are intelligence inputs of Army installations in J&K likely to be targeted by terrorist groups operating from across the border even as there is worry in the security agencies of targeted attacks on outsiders living and working in J&K. Apart from threat emanating out of J&K, the festive season upto New Year will be keeping all security forces on their toes to keep inimical elements away.