Emotions are running high at the IIT Madras campus in Chennai. Two young men, holding placards, can be seen sitting near the huge guarded gates leading to the prestigious institution. “Internal inquiry into the allegations raised by the family; implement SLC resolution; form grievance redressal committee; promise fair and transparent investigation,” read the placards. Flanked by their friends, the duo face indifferent glance from IIT Madras faculty and staff members who pass by.
Azhar Moideen and Justin Joseph have launched an indefinite hunger strike demanding an end to recurring student suicides in the campus. Moideen and Joseph's main demands include a fair and transparent probe to ensure justice for Fathima’s family. Representing the students of IIT Madras, they have also demanded an external expert survey into the several psychological and other issues faced by the students, disturbing their mental health. In fact, this was the major demand placed by the students when they submitted a resolution to the institute director last Thursday. Moideen and Joseph also demand setting up a grievance redressal committee, which will address the issues regarding the mental well-being of the students.
The demands also include an “internal probe into the conduct of faculty as sought by Fathima’s family" and "an external survey into the issues faced by the students inside the institute". Apparently, the external survey was demanded in the resolution that was initiated by ChintaBAR and passed unanimously by the Student Legislative Council (SLC) in IIT, during the previous semester. ChintaBAR is an independent student body recognized by IIT Madras. The main demand is for the implementation of resolutions that were passed during the SLC meeting and the setting up of complaints and grievances redressal committees in all departments.
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“We gave the representation to form the forum last Thursday. There was a protest in which over 400 students participated and only after that we gave the representation. There was much time for the management to respond to our representation. But there is still not action from their side,” says Azhar.
In fact, ChintaBAR had said that the students will go on an indefinite hunger strike from 10am on November 18, if the management fails to address the issues faced by the students and fulfil their demands and look into the mental well-being of the students. “This is the most important of all the issues. Inside our campus, this is more structural and not an individual issue,” tells Azhar.