The Week

Nithyananda's recipe against COVID-19: fast, walk on fire, pierce body with lemons

Nithyananda notes traditional Hindu practices would have avoided coronavirus outbreak

Swami Nithyananda Swami Nithyananda | Official Facebook page

Controversial godman Swami Nithyananda can always be trusted to make mind-boggling utterances. From referring to himself as Param Shiva to claiming he has undergone a "beautiful transition" during death "in his DNA", Nithyananda has never been short of quips.

Recently, on his official Facebook page, Nithyananda announced a "28-day spiritual regimen" to "heal the world" of the effects of novel coronavirus (COVID-19).

The spiritual regimen announced by Nithyananda involves vratha (Hindu fasting), meditation, chanting of sacred sound of Mahavakya, hygienic living and social distancing called Pacchai Pattini Vratham,
“which is practised in India as a method of cleansing, introspection, prayer and meditation”.

Nithyananda has requested his "30 million followers worldwide" to participate in the regimen with him. The Facebook page said the intense prayer and fasting for 28 days to heal the world of COVID-19 was part of the "larger initiative" of his organisation, Sri Kailasa, for world peace and health.

In a satsang, Nithyananda "blessed the world from the effects of COVID-19". Giving details of the spiritual regimen, Nithyananda's Facebook page notes, participants are to only drink the liquids that are offered to 'Devi' as sacred offering—tender coconut water, soaked moong daal (green gram), jaggery water, liquid buttermilk and sugar cane. The Mahavakya is a chant (Om Nithyananda Paramashivoham), “which connects the individual to the very source [of] cosmic intelligence”.

“If you see what modern-day authorities are describing as the recommendation for the coronavirus, you will see it is exactly also described in Pacchai Pattini Vratham. So whatever our rishis (Hindu sages) prescribe, it is highly scientific. Let’s do Pacchai Patinni Vratham and Mahavakya chanting. Devi will shower her grace and protect all of us,” Nithyananda claims.

Interestingly, Nithyananda calls on his followers to obey laws of countries banning social gatherings and notes that the statements on the spiritual regimen are not meant to "be a substitute for any medical advice or medical care".

Fire walking + lemon piercing

While many may grudgingly agree about the health benefits of fasting and dietary restrictions, Nithyananda, not surprisingly, goes further. His Facebook page lists a URL for a health site of Kailasa on coronavirus. The health site prescribes 'fire walking' and lemon piercing as additional steps to "immunise" yourself against coronavirus.

Nithyananda describes fire walking as a "traditional vaccination" that will be a "shoot-up in your body's immunity”. As instructions, he notes the fire pit should be 11ft long with burning live charcoal and traditional music should be played to activate the lymph system. "Once the detox system is awakened and triggered by the traditional music, one can then walk on the fire pit," the Nithyananda site on coronavirus notes.

With respect to lemon piercing, Nithyananda claims, "If you have once got 11 or more lemons pierced into the body, you are absolutely protected from the coronavirus."

Explaining further, Nithyananda writes, "Fire walking activates certain brain grooves and triggers our body to become active, alive and alert, in turn, shooting up the immune strength and increasing the possibilities and potential of the body, mind and being. During lemon piercing, when the needle is passed through the juice of the lemon and then pierced into our skin, it awakens the whole body, making it alive and active. The body’s immune system becomes aware and starts protecting itself.

Coronavirus will not affect anybody who performs these rituals with utmost authenticity."

He claimed that these Hindu rituals had been criticised over the years. Nithyananda notes traditional Hindu practices would have avoided the coronavirus outbreak. These traditional practices include vegetarianism, avoiding eating from same vessel, maintaining distance and taking bath twice a day.

Recently, Nithyananda had claimed that people had " mocked him", when he he isolated himself by forming a 'new country', Kailaasa. "Now, the whole world is talking about social distancing," Nithyananda declared.