Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Jagan Mohan Reddy will not take any salary this month. Neither will his cabinet ministers. Faced with tackling the novel coronavirus pandemic, the state has decided that the salaries of all the state government employees will be deferred.
AP follows Telangana closely in this regard as the latter too decided to defer salaries of government employees including the Chief Minister, Cabinet Ministers, MLAs, MLCs, chairpersons of corporations and elected representatives of local bodies
Through a government order issued Wednesday, the AP government has decided to defer 100 per cent salary of the chief minister, ministers, MLAs, MLCs, Chairpersons and members of corporations and representatives of local bodies. There will be 60 per cent deferment of salary of IAS, IPS and IFS officers. For other the government employees, the deferment will be 50%. And, class 4 and contract employees, it has been decided that the deferment in salary will be 10 per cent.
The reason for the deferment in the order is given as, “…while the revenue streams have totally dried up due to the lockdown, the demand on state resources has increased tremendously for contact tracing, quarantining, providing personal protection equipment, drugs, health facilities, etc & for providing financial assistance for the poor people most affected by the lockdown.”
The deferment will be applicable from March month payable in the first week of April. The Order will be followed till further notice.
In Telangana, the salary deferment for CM, MLAs, MPs, ministers is 75 per cent. For IAS, IPS and IFS officers, the salary deferment will be around 60 per cent. The state service officers will take 50 per cent less salary this month. The class 4 employees and outsourced workers will get 10 per cent less salary.
The two state governments did not clarify on when and how the remaining salaries will be paid to the employees.