The Jammu and Kashmir government on Friday extended the detention of Mehbooba Mufti, former chief minister and the PDP president, under Public Safety Act (PSA) by three more months.
Mehbooba was among 50 plus political leaders who were detained after the revocation of Article 370 on August 5, 2019.
She was first detained at Chashmashahi and shifted to a government building at MA Road in Srinagar four months later.
In April, she was shifted to her residence at Gupkar Road which was declared a sub jail.
Her detention under the PSA for the second time was to expire on August 5. However, a government order said “the law enforcement agencies have recommended further extension in the detention and on examination the same is considered to be necessary”.
The extension in the PSA of Mehbooba has come on a day when the government ordered to release Sajad Lone, the leader of J&K Peoples Conference, a former ally of the BJP, after a year.
Mehbooba has been unflinching on her stand that the revocation of Article 370 and the splitting of J&K are unacceptable. Unlike the NC leaders, Farooq Abdullah and Omar Abdullah, who were released in March days before their PSA detention was about to expire, the PDP president has refused to accept the changes made by the BJP government on August 5 last year.