The Week

Indo-Islamic Cultural Foundation releases logo

The Rub el Hizb is an icon found in several spiritual traditions of the world


The Indo-Islamic Cultural Foundation (IICF) has released its logo, a day after a team visited the land allotted to the Sunni Central Waqf Board in Dhannipur for preparation of a topographical plan.

The symbol—a version of the eight-pointed star—is an icon found in several spiritual traditions of the world.

As per a note issued by the IICF, the symbol—the Rub el Hizb—is an Islamic symbol in the shape of an octagram, represented as two overlapping squares, which is found on a number of emblems and flags. In Arabic, ‘Rub’ means “one fourth or quarter”, while ‘Hizb’ means “a group or party”. Initially, it is used for memorising the Qur’an, which is divided into 60 Hizb (60 groups of roughly equal length); the symbol determines every quarter of Hizb, while the Hizb is one half of a ‘juz’. The main purpose of this dividing system is to facilitate recitation of the Qur’an.

Athar Husain, the spokesperson of the IICF, said, “Calligraphy is of great prominence in Indo-Islamic culture. This particular symbol is profusely used in the Humayun’s tomb—the most prominent example of Indo-Islamic architecture in the country. Octagrams hold a special significance in all Judeoo-Christian religions. It is thus an apt symbol for the syncretic traditions that the Foundation represents”.

On Saturday, a team appointed by the IICF visited the site to measure the land and note its topography. The five-acre land, given to the UP Central Sunni Waqf Board, pursuant to the decision of the Supreme Court on the Ram Janmabhoomi title suit is part of a larger slice of 20 acre land parcel.

“It is not of a regular shape and is angular,” Husain said. Thus we need to draw detailed plans before architects can be engaged to design the various facilities we have planned.”

Medical and education facilities, a museum and a library are part of the proposed plans.

Meanwhile, the Foundation hopes to have its bank accounts opened this week.

“Any final plans that we make will be dependent on the money we are able to raise. Many commitments have been made. We will have to wait and watch how many of those are realised,” Husain added.