The Delhi government on Friday postponed the reopening of schools owing to rising number of coronavirus cases in the national capital. The Directorate of Education said in an official note that all schools would remain closed till October 5.
"All government and private schools will remain closed for all students till October 5. However, online teaching and learning activities will continue as usual," said the note.
The heads of schools are, however, authorised to call teachers or staff to school as per requirement for the smooth conduct of online classes, according to the note.
Schools across the country have been closed since March in view of the COVID-19 outbreak. While the government has relaxed restrictions in various sectors in a phased manner since June 8, educational institutions continued to remain closed.
As per the latest guidelines issued by the health ministry, schools have been allowed to conduct classes for students in Class 9-12 on a voluntary basis from September 21.
Delhi has registered over 2.34 lakh COVID-19 cases so far while the death toll reached 4,877.
On Wednesday, the national capital had registered a record single-day spike of 4,473 COVID-19 cases.