A 50-year-old Anganwadi sahayika was gang-raped in the most horrific manner and killed in Uttar Pradesh’s Badaun district. Medical examination has revealed the presence of a rod-like object in her private parts. Her left ribs, left leg and left lung have also been attacked by a heavy object.
The women’s death was caused by excessive loss of blood and shock. The police have filed an FIR against the mahant of the temple where the incident took place and three of his associates. Two arrests have been made so far. The thana in-charge has been suspended.
The incident occurred in a village in Udhaithi thana area on Sunday.
The victim was in the habit of going to a temple in the village every day. On Sunday, too, she had visited the village.
According to reports, the accused dropped off her body in front of her house late at night. It is believed that before dropping off the murdered woman, the accused had tried to get her some medical help in Chandaudi. On dropping off the woman’s body, the priest had said she had fallen into a well and could not be saved despite their best efforts.
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Meanwhile, family members of the deceased are upset at the pace of police functioning. "The police in-charge Raghvendra Pratap Singh heard our ordeal, yet he has not undertaken a detailed search in the area. Even post mortem was conducted 18 hours after the discovery of the body," they alleged.
SSP Sankalp Sharma said, “Four teams have been formed to track the accused. We will soon be able to arrest them."