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Why rape charges against Dhananjay Munde are big jolt to NCP

Dhananjay is not the first NCP leader accused of rape and sexual harassment

dhananjay munde Dhananjay Munde | Official Facebook account

The allegations of rape and sexual harassment against senior NCP leader and Maharashtra Social Justice Minister Dhananjay Munde have come as a big blow to the NCP. This is because Dhananjay Munde was being groomed as the 'next Chagan Bhujbal', the OBC mass leader who could take over from Bhujbal and reach out to OBCs spread across Maharashtra.

That the Mundes have had a soft corner for the fairer sex is nothing new to those following Maharashtra politics. Dhananjay's uncle, late BJP stalwart Gopinath Munde, too had a love affair and consensual relationship with a lesser-known lavani singer-dancer. Shiv Sena supremo late Balasaheb Thackeray had famously advised Gopinath Munde in late 1990s not to hide his relationship. Pyar Kiya To Darna Kya, Balasaheb Thackeray advised Gopinath Munde. Like his uncle, Dhananjay too has claimed that he is having a consensual relationship with the sister of the complainant since 2003 and his wife and family have always known about it.

The problem arises when such relationships start affecting other aspects of your life—political life in case of prominent political leaders. The NCP snatched Dhananjay Munde from BJP when his uncle, Gopinath Munde, was alive and enjoyed tremendous clout among the OBCs in Maharashtra. Even then, Dhananjay was considered a big catch. Not only was he aspiring to be Gopinath Munde's successor, given his sharp political acumen, he was ready to take on his uncle and woo the OBCs for Sharad Pawar's party.

Dhananjay’s growing hunger for a bigger role in state politics was more evident after his uncle's untimely death in 2014. Soon thereafter, he was made leader of opposition in the state legislative council by the Pawars (Sharad as well as Ajit), sidelining other senior leaders. The aims behind this move were clear: Recapture Beed district from BJP, bring Vanjari community—loyal to Gopinath Munde—under NCP banner and further strengthen the party in Marathwada region. So it was natural that Dhananjay was made an important minister from NCP quota in the MVA government.

Social development and upliftment of OBC, SC and ST communities have always occupied a prominent spot in Pawar's politics, and Dhananjay as social justice minister was expected to take his party's message to all these communities through his ministry. As a minister, he was doing well, for himself as well as his party, launching key social justice schemes and addressing meetings of the backward and downtrodden communities to make them aware of the new initiatives taken by his ministry.

The allegations against Dhananjay Munde are a big jolt to the NCP because he is not the first NCP leader accused of rape and sexual harassment. State president of NCP youth wing, Mohammad Shaikh, has also been accused of rape and sexual harassment by a woman in Aurangabad. The lady had filed a police complaint, but the police had made no moves to arrest the state NCP youth president and are claiming to investigate the case thoroughly.

State BJP vice president Chitra Wagh first brought this case to light. She has been consistently demanding arrest of Shaikh. Senior Shiv Sena leader and deputy chairperson of state legislative council Neelam Gorhe also has said that case against NCP youth president should be handed over to a senor woman IPS officer, so that the woman gets justice. There is a growing perception among people that the police are dragging their feet in Shaikh's case because Home Minster Anil Deshmukh is from the NCP. This case has already earned NCP a lot of bad press. And now to make things worse for the party, Dhananjay Munde, one of its powerful minsters, is also facing rape and sexual harassment allegations. Former MP and senior BJP leader Kirit Somaiya has demanded Dhananjay Munde's resignation. “Munde has no right to continue in the ministry when he is facing such serious allegations," said Somaiya. Uma Khapre, president of Maharashtra BJP women's wing, has written a letter to Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray demanding strict action against Dhananjay Munde.

"Such scandals always affect party's image. It may not affect Dhananjay Munde personally and he may continue to get elected but the party should give a serious thought as to what kind of message goes out to people when two of our leaders face such allegations," said an NCP leader, requesting anonymity.

Dhananjay heads the social justice department. So the obvious question that arises is what kind of social justice do you expect when the minister himself is a rape accused? NCP will have to think hard about both these cases—Shaikh's and Dhananjay Munde's. Senior NCP Minister Nawab Malik has said that police will probe the allegations against Dhananjay Munde without any pressure or prejudice. If that happens, the truth will, of course, come out. But till then it would be better for the NCP to ask Dhananjay Munde to resign from the government and bide his time.


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