Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejrial's daughter Harshita was allegedly duped of Rs 34,000 while selling a used sofa on an e-commerce platform. A case has been filed at the Civil Lines police station under north district of the Delhi Police, reports said on Monday.
According to police, the accused had approached Harshita showing interest in making the purchase and initially transferred a minimal amount of money to her account. He later sent her a QR code and asked her to scan it so that the remaining amount would be transferred to her account.
However, the complaint said, when she followed the instructions of the buyer, an amount of Rs 20,000 got deducted from her account.
When the victim enquired about it, the accused said what he was sent was a wrong QR code. He sent a fresh QR code and asked her to follow the similar steps. But when she scanned the QR code an amount of Rs 14,000 got deducted again from her account.
Police said an investigation has been initiated and we are trying to trace the suspect.