Former Uttar Pradesh CM and Samajwadi Party chief Akhilesh Yadav has isolated himself at home after testing positive for COVID-19 on Wednesday. "My corona test report has just come up positive. I have separated myself and treatment has started at home. People who have come in contact with me in the past few days should get themselves tested. They are requested to stay in isolation for some days," Yadav tweeted in Hindi.
Yadav had recently visited Haridwar where the Kumbh Mela was underway and met various religious leaders, including Akhara Parishad chairman Mahant Narendra Giri who had tested positive for COVID-19 earlier.
On reaching Lucknow, Yadav got himself tested on Tuesday. Incidentally, Akhilesh had vehemently opposed the Made in India COVID-19 vaccines calling it "BJP's political vaccine". "I will not get the vaccine now. I am telling you about myself. Am I going to trust a vaccine given by the BJP? Oh, get lost. When our government comes, everyone will get the vaccine free," he had tweeted in January. The former chief minister had received a lot of flak for his comments.
Meanwhile, Uttar Pradesh Urban Development Minister Ashutosh Tandon has also tested positive. "After observing initial symptoms of corona, I got myself tested, and the report has come positive. On the advice of doctors, I have isolated myself at home. People who have come in contact with me in the past few days should get themselves tested," he tweeted.
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The two political leaders tested positive as a COVID second wave seems to be raging throughout the country. Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath had gone in isolation on Tuesday after some officials in his contact tested positive for Covid-19. "The officers of my office tested positive for coronavirus. They were in touch with me, therefore, as a precaution, I am isolating myself and starting all my work digitally," the CM said in a tweet in Hindi.
Some officials, including his OSD Abhishek Kaushik, tested positive for the coronavirus infection.
The CM, however, did not identify the officials who tested for the infection.