The Uttar Pradesh Police on Sunday claimed to have busted a terror module of Al Qaeda-linked Ansar Ghazwat-ul-Hind which was planning suicide attacks in the crowded areas of Lucknow and other cities of the state on Independence Day (August 15).
Police said two terrorists have been arrested during an operation of the Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) in Kakori.
"The ATS UP has uncovered a big terror module. The team has arrested two terrorists linked with Al Qaeda's Ansar Ghazwat-ul-Hind. Cache of arms, explosive materials have been recovered," said Prashant Kumar, ADGP (Law and Order).
"They along with their associates were planning to conduct a blast in Lucknow and surrounding areas before August 15. Pistols, IED and huge explosives were recovered from their possession. The search operation is underway to nab their other associates" he said.
Those arrested were identified as Minaz Ahmad and Nasiruddin, both residents of Lucknow. A high alert has been issued in Lucknow and adjoining districts after the recovery of explosives.
Ahmed and Maseeruddin, on the instructions of Umar Halmandi, the head of the Uttar Pradesh module of the Al-Qaeda, along with their associates were planning to unleash terror activities on August 15 in different cities of the state, especially its capital Lucknow, the ADGP said.