The Mumbai Police Cyber Cell has detained a 21-year-old man from Bengaluru in connection with 'Bulli Bai' app, news agency ANI reported. The law enforcement has not revealed the identity of the suspect, but have registered cases under relevant sections of IPC and the IT Act.
An application named 'Bulli Bai' had made its rounds on GitHub repository service, featuring photos of Indian Muslim women and reportedly "auctioning" them off. This comes on the back of a similar controversy in ‘Sulli deals’, where Muslim women photos were uploaded for "auction". The app had sparked a political controversy.
After widespread outrage and demands for action against those behind the app, IT minister Ashwini Vaishnaw had said that the government is working with police in Delhi and Mumbai, where cases have been registered in the matter. He also said that GitHub has blocked the user who had uploaded the app and that the Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT), the country's nodal agency on cyber security, and police are coordinating further action in the matter.
Cases have been registered under sections 509 (word, gesture or act intended to insult the modesty of a woman) and 354 A (sexual harassment and punishment for harassment) of the Indian Penal Code.