As part of its Uttar Pradesh elections manifesto, the BJP promised the construction of General Bipin Rawat Defence Industrial Corridor in Bundelkhand in record time. "To make meritorious girl students self-reliant, free scooters will be given to them under Rani Laxmibai Yojana," the manifesto claimed. "In next five years, the government will strengthen wheat and paddy purchase at MSP. There will be free electricity for irrigation to farmers in next five years. Interest will be taken from sugarmills if there is delay in payment of cane dues to farmers beyond 14 days," according to the manifesto. The party also promised 10-year punishment and Rs 1 lakh fine for those indulging in 'love jihad'.
The BJP has developed its poll narratives around Hindutva and development in the battle for Uttar Pradesh, and the Samajwadi Party on welfare schemes based on socialism, but the core of their poll strategies appears to be caste arithmetic and communal faultlines.
Be it the BJP, the SP or the BSP, a look at their list of candidates makes it clear that caste calculation and religious affiliation are the prime considerations in the selection of the nominees for the 2022 Uttar Pradesh elections.
The Congress under its general secretary Priyanka Gandhi Vadra is banking on the women voters to capture the power in the Hindi heartland. Sticking to its promise of reserving 40 percent tickets to women, the grand old party is experimenting with greenhorns, like an aganwadi worker, the mother of the Unnao rape victim, besides glamorous faces like 'bikini girl' Archana Gautam from Hasinapur in Meerut district, and actor-activist Sadar Jafar.