The grand victory of the Bharatiya Janata Party in the assembly elections is a guarantee of India’s bright future, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Thursday. Addressing BJP workers from the party headquarters in Delhi, Modi said the first-time voters have ensured party’s victory in the elections.
"BJP workers had promised me that Holi would begin from March 10 this year, and they have kept their promise. These workers worked 24x7 and were successful in winning the trust of the people across states," Modi said.
The BJP raced towards a second straight win in politically crucial Uttar Pradesh with significant margin and strongly dominated the score chart in Uttarakhand, Manipur and Goa. In Punjab, the Aam Admi Party received a thumping mandate.
Modi said the election results highlight people's stamp of strong approval for the party's pro-poor and proactive governance model. Those who look at UP through prism of caste insult it, but the people of the state repeatedly voted for politics of development since 2014.
"BJP's vote share has increased in Manipur, Uttar Pradesh and Goa, even after being incumbent. BJP's seats have increased in the state," he said.
Lauding Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, who is all set to return to the post after the BJP’s emphatic win, said Uttar Pradesh has given many prime ministers but for the first time it has re-elected a chief minister after he had served a full term.
In Goa, Modi said, all exit polls were proven incorrect and the people have given the BJP the chance to serve them for the third consecutive time.
"We have also made history in Uttarakhand. For the first time, a party has come to power consecutive times," he said.