The ED has summoned Maharashtra Transport Minister Anil Parab for questioning in Mumbai on June 15 in a money laundering probe linked to alleged violation of coastal regulation zone provisions in the construction of a resort in Dapoli beach area of Ratnagiri district, officials said Tuesday.
The federal agency wants to question and record Parab's statement under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA), they said.
He has been asked to depose before the agency at its zonal office in Mumbai.
The ED had raided his premises and those allegedly linked to him in May in connection with the case.
This came about after the Enforcement Directorate registered a fresh case under PMLA against him and others.
Parab (57), is a three-time Shiv Sena legislator in the Maharashtra legislative council, the upper house of the legislature, and is also the state parliamentary affairs minister.