A day after Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar said the NDA government needs to "worry" about the next Lok Sabha polls, Union Minister Giriraj Singh, on Thursday, tweeted a video showing a dog trying to fight two lions and captioned it "Challenge 2024".
The video uploaded by the senior BJP leader is seen as a veiled dig at Kumar, who broke alliance with the saffron party and formed the government on Wednesday by stitching an alliance his former rivals Rashtriya Janata Dal and the Congress.
While political analysts potentially have pitted him against Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the 'Mahagathbandhan' (grand alliance) head has clarified that he is not eyeing the prime ministerial race.
However, he said, "They (NDA leaders) should remember that 2014 (when the BJP stormed to power at the Centre) is past. They need to worry about 2024."
Singh, the senior BJP leader, also retweeted several posts showing crimes taking place in Bihar and said, "The RJD's plan to loot Bihar has begun."