Promising a corruption-free administration, Aam Aadmi Party convener Arvind Kejriwal on Monday said that India can become a developed nation through a good quality and free education and not by government schemes.
Addressing traders and businessmen at a town hall organized in Ahmedabad, Kejriwal said that countries like the US, Japan and England are giving free education and health care facilities not because they are rich.
He said they have become rich because they started giving free education and health care.
Kejriwal said that should the AAP come to power in Gujarat it would simplify the processes for doing business and ensure corruption-free administration.
He also promised a VAT amnesty scheme for all the dues and said that VAT and GST refunds will be given within six months of coming to power.
He said there is a need to simplify GST and its rates.
Kejriwal said that the Supreme Court order that decisions taken in the GST Council are not binding on the states has constitutional, legal and administrative implications.
He said they would study the order. According to him, the order gives a lot of opportunities.
Claiming that journalists are scared, Kejriwal said that they (AAP) will win this through social media.
Acknowledging that the traders and businessmen might have problems in coming out openly in support of the AAP, he asked them to work without coming out in the open. Tell each customer to vote for the AAP, he said.
Kejriwal said that 27 years of power is a way bit too much and the party needs to be thrown out of power. These many years of power brings in arrogance, he said.