Eight cheetahs, flown in from Nambia, were released into a special enclosure at the Madhya Pradesh's Kuno National Park on Saturday. Prime Minister Modi, who is celebrating his 72nd birthday, released the cheetahs and also clicked a few pictures of them.
Eight cheetahs were brought to Gwalior from Namibia in a special plane on Saturday morning as part of the cheetah reintroduction programme. The animals were later flown to the KNP, located in Sheopur district, in two Indian Air Force (IAF) helicopters. Five female and three male Namibian cheetahs arrived in Gwalior on Saturday morning on a modified passenger jet. The big cats were later flown to the Kuno National Park, located in Sheopur district, in two Indian Air Force helicopters.
Modi, in an address to the nation following the release of cheetahs, said: "Project Cheetah is our endeavour towards environment and wildlife conservation." He also appealed for patience from the public before visiting the cheetahs. “These Cheetahs have come as guests, unaware of this area. For them to be able to make Kuno National Park their home, we'll have to give these Cheetahs a few months' time,” he said.
Modi also thanked the government of Namibia for help in programme to reintroduce cheetahs to India.