Amid the nation-wide crackdown on the Popular Front of India by the National Investigation Agency and the Enforcement Directorate, the Muslim Students' Organisation of India (MSO) said on Thursday that the PFI's actions were not in the interest of Islam and the country. The MSO said Muslims in India should help the country in its pursuit of stability and peace.
"PFI and such Salafi Wahhabi organizations want to trick them (youth) against the basic ideology of Sufi majority population of the country but this situation is not in the interest of Islam, country and humanity,” it said.
At least 106 leaders and activists of the radical Islamic outfit were arrested following simultaneous raids conducted by the agencies in 15 states for allegedly supporting terror activities.
Kerala, where the PFI has some strong pockets, accounted for the maximum number of 22 arrests. Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Delhi, Assam, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Goa, West Bengal, Bihar and Manipur were the other states where raids were conducted.
MSO appealed to the Muslim youth to stay patient on the action taken on PFI. “If this action (of the central agencies) has been taken for compliance of law and prevention of terrorism, then everyone should be patient on it,” it said, adding that the charges of murder, violence and possession of weapons against those arrested were serious.
It however maintained that these allegations have to be proved in court.