Two days after Delhi Minister Satyendra Jain was seen in a viral video getting a foot massage inside Tihar jail, the prison authorities have clarified that the masseur in the video was a prisoner in a rape case and not a physiotherapist. This comes as AAP defended the video, saying Jain was receiving physiotherapy after two spinal surgeries.
The prisoner in the video was Rinku, who is facing POCSO charges. He was arrested last year, reported ANI.
The BJP has slammed the ruling party. "Shameful @ArvindKejriwal Doctors have confirmed that it is not Physiotherapy and moreover the Person giving massage to Saryendra Jain in Tihar Jail is a rapist, accused under the POCSO, and not a physiotherapist as claimed and endorsed by you!" BJP MP Manoj Tiwari tweeted.
AAP leader Gopal Rai alleged that the BJP was highlighting matters related to Sisodia and Jain and other sting operations since it does not have any election issues related to Municipal Corporation of Delhi election. On Jain apparently getting special treatment inside jail, he said: "Amit Shah was in Gujarat jail and at that time, there was a special jail for him. The kind of treatment he got nobody can get ever. This is available on record."
"The issue is not of him (Jain) getting treatment, but the issue is that what treatment will Delhi people give the BJP on December 4," Rai said. He alleged that the BJP's only agenda was just to tarnish the image of Kejriwal. "In Delhi, for the last 10 days, there are two parties that are campaigning, while Congress is not part of the battle," Rai said.
"On one side are those who are campaigning on the basis of their work. On the other hand there are those who just want to indulge in mudslinging," he said.
The video showing Jain getting a massage inside the jail triggered a fierce war of words between the BJP and the AAP. BJP blamed Arvind Kejriwal for his "silence" and alleged that Satyendar Jain was meeting visitors inside the prison.
Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia, however, defended his colleague, claiming he was receiving physiotherapy following a spinal injury and accused the BJP of doing "cheap" politics on his health issues. Sisodia, who is in charge of the Prison department, had also alleged that his colleague has been framed in a false case and that the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is resorting to such "theatrics'' as it is "losing the MCD and Gujarat polls".
Following the video leak, a Tihar jail superintendent was suspended for his alleged involvement in providing special treatment to Jain.
Meanwhile, Jain has moved a court here seeking contempt proceedings against the Enforcement Directorate (ED) for allegedly leaking the CCTV footage. The ED had alleged that Jain was getting special treatment inside the Tihar Jail, including massage and special food, and provided CCTV footage to substantiate the claim.
On Saturday, Special Judge Vikas Dhull issued a notice to the ED seeking its response to Jain's plea that accused the agency of leaking the CCTV footage "despite an undertaking given in the court" that no material related to the case will be divulged to the media.