The BJP on Thursday said it was ready to accept all demands of Tipra Motha, except for Greater Tipraland, if the new party led by former royal Pradyot Debbarma extends its support.
State BJP chief spokesperson Subrata Chakraborty said his party was marching to form the next government in the state.
"We are forming the next government in the state as we have been saying since the beginning. Two central leaders -- Phanindranath Sarma and Sambit Patra -- are here to oversee the situation, and hopefully, more central leaders will be arriving today," he said.
On the possibility of taking the support of the Debbarma-led party, he said, "Except Greater Tipraland, the BJP is ready to accept all their demands."
The BJP was leading in 33 seats in the 60-member House, while its partner IPFT was ahead in one seat.
The Tipra Motha, which seemed to have grabbed the IPFT's tribal support, was leading in 11 seats. The opposition Left-Congress alliance was ahead in 15 seats.
Among others, the Tipra Motha is demanding a separate state of 'Greater Tipraland' for the indigenous population of Tripura.