Tihar prison authorities on Wednesday dismissed the allegations raised by the Aam Aadmi Party that its leader Manish Sisodia has been kept with dreaded criminals in jail. The jail administration said Sisodia has been kept in Central Jail No. 1 where there are a minimum number of inmates and no gangsters.
"Manish Sisodia has been assigned a segregated ward keeping his security in mind. The ward of CJ-1, where he is lodged has a minimum number of inmates who are not gangsters and are maintaining good conduct inside the jail,” it said.
According to jail officials, a separate cell makes it possible for him to meditate or do such other activities without any disturbance. “All the arrangements, as per jail rules, are in place to ensure his safety and security. Any aspersions cast about his lodgings is unfounded," they said.
On Wednesday, AAP MLA Saurabh Bharadwaj had alleged that Sisodia was being kept with other inmates in jail and was refused a "vipassana" cell.
"There was a request for Manish Sisodia to be kept in the vipassana cell of the jail and the same was approved by the court. Despite the court's approval, Sisodia has been kept with criminals in jail number 1. The Centre must give an answer,” Bharadwaj said.
He had further alleged that the BJP was conspiring to kill his party leaders.
Also read
- Sisodia’s return from prison boosts AAP campaign ahead of Haryana, Delhi assembly polls
- ‘Was hoping to get justice in 7-8 months, but...’, says Sisodia after release from Tihar jail
- ‘Kejriwal will also be blessed the same way soon’, says Sisodia a day after release
- What next for AAP and Manish Sisodia as Assembly polls loom?
The former Delhi deputy chief minister was arrested by the CBI on February 26 in connection with alleged irregularities in the framing and implementation of the now-scrapped excise policy of the AAP government.
He has been sent to judicial custody till March 20.
The court had allowed the senior leader of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) to carry the Bhagavad Gita, spectacles and medicines to jail, and directed the Tihar authorities to consider his request to be allowed to do vipassana meditation.
With PTI inputs