Karnataka BJP MLA Madal Virupakshappa was arrested in a bribery case by the Lokayukta Police on Monday soon after his bail application was rejected by the high court. The legislator was arrested from near the Kyathasandra toll gate in Tumakuru in the evening when he was on his way to Bengaluru after attending an event in Channagiri.
The high court had last week reserved its verdict on the MLA's bail application. In his order cancelling Virupakshappa's interim anticipatory bail granted on March 7, Justice K. Natarajan said: "Though this Court granted the interim anticipatory bail until disposal of the case, because there was no material found in FIR at that time, but now, there is sufficient evidence to show the involvement of the petitioner in the commission of offence as per the case diary of the police and statement under Section 164 of Cr.P.C."
The custody of the petitioner is imminent for the Lokayukta police to interrogate him in the matter, the court further said.
The case pertains to the alleged demand and receipt of bribes for allotting contract for supplying chemicals to the state-run Karnataka Soaps and Detergents Limited (KSDL).
Virupakshappa, who was the chairman of KSDL, has been charged with demanding bribe through his son Prashanth Madal, a KAS officer. Madal was caught allegedly accepting Rs 40 lakh as bribe on the behalf of his father last month, following which Virupakshappa was named as the prime accused in the case.
Madal has already been arrested in the case and is facing charges under Section 7(A) and 7(B) of the Prevention of Corruption Act. The Lokayukta police has made four more arrests after its raids unearthed over Rs 7 crore in cash from Virupakshappa's residence. Following it, the MLA resigned as the chairman of KSDL.
"Preparations are being made to interrogate MLA as there is a lot of information to be obtained regarding the case," a Lokayukta source told ANI.
The HC had earlier granted interim anticipatory bail to Virupakshappa on a Rs five lakh personal bond which helped him escape arrest.