At a time when the BJP takes pride in showcasing Gujarat as its model state, an incident in Surat has brought the party an embarrassment of sorts. Cracks developed on the approach road of a newly constructed bridge which was recently inaugurated by Gujarat Chief Minister.
The 1.5km long Vairav Ved Bridge was constructed at a cost of Rs 118 crore and was inaugurated by Gujarat Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel just over a month ago. This is Surat’s 200th bridge. The city is also home to Minister of State for Home Harsh Sanghavi. Gujarat BJP president C.R. Paatil, who hails from South Gujarat, also has a residence in Surat.
Alleging rampant corruption, the Aam Aadmi Party has come down heavily on the BJP. The AAP is the principal opposition in the BJP-ruled Surat Municipal Corporation. The Congress had failed to open an account. Interestingly, there has been no word from either Paatil or Sanghavi on this.
Isudan Gadhvi, the AAP’s Gujarat president, told THE WEEK that he appeals to Prime Minister Narendra Modi to send a team of ED/CBI to investigate. Alleging corruption, Gadhvi said even if one assumes there is none then the quality of work done is a major issue.
He said in the last few months quite a good number of bridges have developed problems. “Where are we falling short,” he asked, pointing out that bridges built during the British Rule in India are not having problems.
Surat BJP President Niranjan Zanzmera said the RCC structure of the bridge is intact and there is no problem with it. A portion of the approach road has developed cracks due to heavy rainfall.
In mid-June, a bridge built over Mindhola River in Tapi district, South Gujarat collapsed. The bridge was constructed at a cost of Rs 2 crore under Mukhya Mantri Gram Sadak Yojna. Patel had ordered an inquiry and three engineers were suspended.